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Designer On Computer



 I am Utkarsh Srivastava

Computer Science Student

at NIIT University

Home: Welcome

Get To Know Me

Personal Profile

I am a code enthusiast,I have a great inclination towards innovation and  work in order to increase my calibre.

I like core programming and developing new things.. with creativity at peak ... and that with strong heart towards work.

Home: About



Python Programming

Core Python ,Web Extraction(Beautiful Soup),Backend WebD ,Twitter API etc


Java programming


Knowledge of Core Java, JavaFX and have done a lot of projects on it.
Doing Project Euler problems using JAVA


C/C++ Core


Worked on C C++ core programming


Web Development


Have Done several projects on Web Development



Very much fond of

Have been learning and using git for several projects and am comfortable with it.



Linux and Windows

Been using these platforms for several years,hence comfortable on both.


Big Data & Hadoop


Started working on Big Data and Hadoop system through a course


Machine Learning


Studying machine Learning from SWAYAM Platform as well as through the university course


Artificial Intelligence


Learning AI through University course and doing project on Social network AI

Home: Skills

My Roles & Responsibilities

Professional History

Home: Experience

Web Developer Intern at travel d' globe

15 May 2017 -  30 June 2017

I worked for travel d' globe as a back-end web developer and worked on Web Extraction,Twitter API ,Postgresql, Beautiful Soup, Script Translating Bot and many more...

Visit Travel d'globe......

Data Analyst Intern, Value Momentum

January 2018 - Present

Currently working on creating Machine learning models on the given data set.
Part of the Data Science Practice Team (Client Services - US)

My Projects

Home: Experience

Social Network AI

August 2017-Current

Artificial Intelligence project  that uses Speech to text interface to update the status and do other tasks on Facebook,Twitter etc.

Capstone Project: Push Messaging Engine Similar to Whatsapp or Slack

August 2017-Current

An industry linked project where we design a platform similar to Whatsapp with local storage facility.

Twitter Bot

June 2017

Script that extracts twitter account details for a  query term and  can remotely generate a tweet or send direct messages others.

Information Retrieval: Cheap and Best

Jan 2017- May 2017

Retrieving data from the e-commerce websites like Amazon,Flipkart etc and giving the result of the product with the most positive reviews and least price based on the query entered by the user     LINK

Algorithm Design for mobile charging in Wireless Sensor Networks

December 2016- Current

Research & Development Project : Designing a new Algorithm for Mobile Charging in Wireless Sensor Networks

NIIT University Discussion Portal

August 2016 - December 2016

Official Web Platform for NIIT University for organizing events and their approving system by administrators of various departments of the University
Languages used: HTML,CSS,C#,JavaScript,Java LINK

Unterhaltung Database

January 2016 - May 2016

A SQL database for rating and reviews of Movies,TV Series,Books,Songs etc

Its like IMDb but for Movies,TV series,Books, Songs
Languages: MySQL, JAVA

LOGO cursor Bot: Bluetooth Control

August 2015-December 2015

A bot which moved just like LOGO cursor moves using ARDUINO and Ultrasonic Distance Detection
Processor: Arduino

Project Head for Economic Aspects of Banking Industry

January 2015- May 2015

An economic project leading twelve students about researching the economic background of the Banking Industires


Home: Education

NIIT University

Bachelors in Technology 

Computer Science Engineering


Indian School Certificate

The Modern School 

Class XII


Indian Certificate of Secondary Education

The Modern School

Class X



“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while the vast ocean of truth lies infront of me still undiscovered”

Isaac Newton

Home: Quote

Get in Touch

Got something you’d like me to work on? Contacting me is simple....

NIIT University,
Neemrana, Rajasthan, Pin:301705


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